Labels:book | bulletin board | cassette tape | laptop | person | poster OCR: How Applcatione Guide Word Proce sing Word Processing "Hi! my name is Katy Kennedy and I'm to show you HOW TO make computers work for you This course for new or inexperienced UNDERSTAND WORD computer users It makes learning easier for PROCE ESSING SPREADSHEETS families and for people who use computers E DATABASES AND DTP FAMIL IARISE YOURSELI at work It will help anyone who wants to COMPUTER JARGON WITH benefit from computers in our new COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE TO PERSONAL COMPUTING information age. USES REAL EXAMPLES INA BUSINESS The course designed by teachers not ENVIRONMENT technologists, is highly interactive Which INCL UDES QUIZZES WITH HUNDREDS OF QUESTIONS CHECK HOW MUCH means that you will enjoy learning al your YOU HAVE LEARNT own pace and in whichever order you like. rements the So, ...